Therapy Services


During your first meeting you and Dr. Shawn will talk about your therapy goals, and both of you will determine if you have a good therapeutic “fit.” If you and Dr. Shawn decide to work together, you will set up a regular meeting schedule and create a plan for your therapeutic goals. When appropriate Dr. Shawn will request a clear understanding of your current medical conditions and upcoming treatments and/or hospitalizations.

Dr Shawn is currently serving individuals and couples in Michigan and Hawaii.  Due to time zone differences, she is meeting with both Michigan and Hawaii clients during afternoon hours.  See Contact page to call or email Dr. Shawn.

Please note: Dr. Shawn is an out of network provider for all insurances. If you choose to work with Dr. Shawn, she will provide a monthly receipt which summarizes your therapy session details. You will submit your receipt to your insurance. Be sure you understand your policy coverage before therapy begins.


Assessment & Intake Forms (password required)
